Family Pic Nov 2015

Family Pic Nov 2015

Monday, November 8, 2010

Please Pray...

I can't describe what I am feeling right now. We learned this past weekend that the EE country we are trying to adopt from is attempting to put on hold all foreign adoptions. I can't understand how those in charge see this as helping those poor kids. It's already killing me inside that we can't get over there now to get Julia, that we will have to wait until February or March. If this law passes, it's completely up in the air as to when we would be able to get her, if we would be able to get her. Please, pray without ceasing on this one.

Adoption Notice

Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Children’s Issues

November 3, 2010

The Ukrainian legislature is in the process of voting on a bill that would suspend all intercountry adoptions from countries without bilateral agreements with Ukraine, including adoptions from the United States. The bill passed a first reading and vote, but must still pass a second reading and be signed into law by the president. The second reading could take place in the next few weeks. If the bill passes the second reading, it may be signed into law as early as the end of 2010. The draft bill appears to include suspension of all adoptions in progress.

The Department is will post updates as information becomes available.



  1. So, so many prayers on this matter. It makes no sense to me, either. Please Lord, let Julia and the other children who so desperately need a home get out of there and home to their families.


  2. Hi will be praying for your situation. Will be fasting and praying tomorrow for your sweet babe and all the others in the Ukraine that will be affected by this.

    Our God is bigger than the Ukraine government and sweet Julia will be home in your arms in His perfect timing.

    Praying for you and your husband to be filled with peace that surpasses all understanding.


  3. We are in the process of adopting from EE also.
    They are suppose to vote on it again November 21, I believe that is the right date. All we can do is pray !!!!

  4. We're in there with you . . . trying to plow ahead in faith, but the not-knowing is terrible.

  5. Praying for you, your family, Julia and the other children in the Ukraine waiting...

  6. Their government has power but we serve a much more powerful and merciful God. He alone placed her into your hearts and family and He will see this through. Praying...

  7. Praying that The LORD will exercise His power to block any efforts to stop adoptions from the Ukraine. Praying for Julia's rescue!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This makes no sense to me. The majority of Ukrainians don't have the resources or desire to adopt... why would they try to stop others who want to utilize the resources they have been given from helping Ukraine's forgotten children? Wouldn't any nation want to give their children a better chance at life? Especially if it meant little children like Julia get lost if they don't... this just makes no sense to me.

    And I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. International adoption is hard enough without dealing with these unnecessary political roadblocks.

    I'm praying for little Julia and all of Ukraine's angels- hoping that God will protect them from this insanity and the adults in charge will make the right decisions.

  10. That is absolutely heartbreaking! All of these innocent children that have been abandoned by choice (or not) are going to be forced to wait longer? How can that possibly help? Is it that their government wants more $? I can't imagine the sadness and disappointment you are dealing with! Prayers that this law doesn't pass!

  11. What about adoptions that are already in process? Ugh, this is such tough news- even that it's under consideration. Praying that truth wins out- Our God is so much bigger than any spiritual attack on the orphan. Hang in there.
