Family Pic Nov 2015

Family Pic Nov 2015

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last six days in pictures......

Sorry it's been so long.....we have obviously been busy and our computer has been having issues.  Everything is going very well.  Julia is sucking down 3-4  8 oz. bottles of  Pedicare or Carnation drinks.  We are hoping to fatten her up.  When we took Aaron to our local pediatrician to get a prescription for a walker, we had them weigh Julia.  With diaper, cotton tights, socks, sleeper and fleece hoodie on she only weighs 15 lbs. 8 oz!!  Yikes!!!   We have a drs. appt. for both children on May 6 down in Richmond.  Julia will see a geneticist this day as well. 

Aaron is doing very well getting along with all of his new siblings.  He is testing boundaries and learning the rules here.  He is very attached to me and definitely see me as his caregiver.  He cries if I need to be upstairs with the other kids while he needs to stay downstairs.  He is so curious and needs to have constant supervision for his safety.  If I am busy getting other kids baths and brushing teeth, I need him to be downstairs with Steve.  Hopefully soon he will learn adjust to our "routines." 

We have no pictures of our "homecoming" at the airport.  There was a whole bus full of people that were coming up on our church bus with banner and all.  Unfortunately, the bus broke down on the way to the airport.  Aimee and I came out of customs with the kids and found no one there to greet us.  I obviously called Steve and found out what had happened.  After such a long journey, this was a very big let down.  The group managed to get someone else from our church to drive a 15 passenger van to pick us up.  They could not fit everyone so my family, Aimee's husband and 2 of her kids, and Adeye Salem. finally arrived about 2 hours later. Everyone else found other rides back home.....quite a bummer.  But these things happen.....we made it and even though it was disappointing, we were so exhausted that we were just glad to see our family and get HOME  : )

 Gotcha Day!!

 Tatyana giving Aaron some pointers for the trip home for me.

 Our 6 hour train trip

 Aaron organizing his stuff on the train

 Driving around on the day we finished up at the Embassy
 Getting ready to head to the airport

 Just before take off

 Julia sleeping on the long flight home

 Ethan, Regan, Kacey and Aaron

 Running errands.....

 Julia is stylin' in her pink sunglasses...she actually keeps them on!!

 Nap time : )
Ethan giving Aaron a ride on his four wheeler.


  1. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I have been following it for a few months now.
    I absolutely love these pictures, and Aaron looks SO happy!! I have tears streaming down my see these beautiful children finally home, with the wonderful family they deserve...
    I look forward to your pictures and updates.

  2. Oh, these are beautiful pictures. So amazing!! I am so glad to see your kids bonding and feeling the blessings of each other. So special to see!

  3. a remember when moment...remember when it was soooo frustrating trying to get the mortgage document? everything seemed to fall apart - that is over, the trip is over, you and these sweet kids are home! congratulations and welcome home!!

  4. Wonderful to see them home and happy! Congratulations on your beautiful family!

  5. So glad you're home!! Sorry for the disappointing arrival, but so happy to see the pics of y'all HOME!! God bless!

  6. Praise're HOME!!!!

  7. Oh, seeing the pictures of Julia and Aaron home with their family makes me so happy! I can't wait to see them progress and grow. I know the road ahead may be long with lots of medical appointments and therapies, but God will sustain you all.
    God bless your family for making a way for these two precious children to have a family and a future!

    Kim O

  8. I have one happy heart right now! Thank you for sharing. I'm speechless. Can't wait to see how they blossom.


  9. Hooray! I'm so glad you guys are home! I've been waiting for these photos! Can't wait to see how Aaron and Julia thrive at your house! :-) How's Aaron taking to his new name?

  10. They all look gorgeous! Congratulations on getting home safely (in the end!!). Julia's nap photos are so sweet! Looking forward to future updates on how the kids are going!

  11. I have been following since day one and I am soooo happy to see your children home with you. They are so beautiful.

  12. I've been following your journey and am so very happy to see that everyone is at home. I am so excited for Aaron and Julia and all of the delights of having a family that they will enjoy! God is so good!

  13. So great to see your girl dressed all in pink!!! Glad you made it home and continuing to pray for a smooth adjustment for all!

  14. Oh, such a bummer about the bus! It would have been an amazing welcome...

    These HOME pics are so precious. It warms my heart to see Aaron and Julia with their new sibs! So, so happy for you all. Praise the Lord.

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. A new one is just beginning... God bless!

  15. I can't help but cry at the pictures of two lost children who are now in a loving family, doing regular things like playing and riding in a car and sitting next to their big sister! I'm so glad you are home and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your journey. I've been praying for you guys for quite a while and I'm so glad to be able to see Aaron and Julia at home with you now.

  16. Way to go! The kids all look so great together!! Having gone through the added calories before I always tell people about our newest discovery of an awesome supplemental drink - called Boost Kids Essential 1.5 (has 350 calories per 8oz size drink box). It is super high in calorie - double the Boost you find in a grocery, nutrients etc. We're using it for our latest addition to the family. She has gained more weight since taking this and gotten hungry for real food too. Highly recommend it!
    Take care of yourself as everyone adjusts there and thanks for sharing your journey!!

  17. Carey and Steve - thank you for sharing the beginning of your journey!! I'm so glad that you made it home safely, and am looking forward to watching all of your children grow.

  18. You and your family are so special. Aaron and Julia could not have had a better miracle. I am looking forward to following your progress. God Bless.

  19. So great! We heard you were at church on Sunday with the whole gang and it was as if you have always been a family - the 8 of you! Can't wait to meet them and celebrate your new additions! Blessings to you all - The Millers

  20. Looking forward to seeing how the kids prosper now that they are HOME! :) Thank you for sharing your journey!!!!

  21. So glad to see you are all home safely! Thank you for sharing!

  22. Wonderful update! Been waiting for pictures and LOVE them. Seriously, your two new babies look so happy! Sweet little Julia just has a smile on her face that melts the heart. Aaron looks like a bundle of non stop energy! :) Congrats

  23. So happy to see Julia and Aaron home with you all. God bless!

  24. I'm so happy to see this pictures! Julia and Aaron look so happy! And your other kids look thrilled to have you and his new siblings home!

  25. You know what I love? I love it when you donate money to a family so they can fund their adoption, and you encourage others to do the same.

    And then, once they have their kids, they drop off the face of the Earth. They can't find even 10 minutes to provide an update for the people who made their adoption possible.

    LOVE it. :-(

    Just sayin'.
    I have 8 kids; 7 under the age of 10; I know what it's like to be busy. But you can *always* find 10 minutes for something important.

  26. I wanted to leave a comment pleading for an update, I just love these pics. But after that last comment, I feel like it would be really rude.
    Enjoy your blessings. Prioritize your children, not your blog. :)

  27. Yes - six kids and the people you see and support every day are your top priority - absolutely! BLESS YOU for being a wonderful mommy to all your kiddos, Carey. I hope this Mother's Day is extra, extra special for you!

  28. I have to admit I check in often dying for an update, but I also have to admit I have only one little one, and can hardly find time!!SO happy your are all home and I am sure everyone is getting accustomed to these new changes in their home. I adopted my son almost two years ago and sometimes I still step back and say wow it is a huge life change! Can not imagine having four kids and then adopting two beautiful kids and then having SIX! Praying for all eight of you, and WHEN you get a minute, let us know hoe it's all going. XO's to you all

  29. It is so great to see them both home! Kept checking back to see how things were going, I am glad to see it is going well, Aaron's issues will disappear I am sure.

    As for Ellies comments, have you ever heard the phrase unless you have something good to say don't say anything at all? People should donate money because they want to not because you expect to get anything back from doing so. You very well may have lots of children also but this family just spent the last 2 weeks adjusting to bringing 2 new children into their home. Even if they had a 'spare' 10 minutes I for one would rather spend it loving on my kids than being at a computer. Have a little respect for yourself and others the next time you feel like being so rude.

  30. Hello!
    My name is Olga, I live in Ukraine. I want to tell you thank you for what you are doing! If it were not for your family and hundreds of these same foreign families, our Ukrainian children with disabilities would be doomed to die slowly and painfully in Ukrainian orphanages. What you do not understand the majority of Ukrainian families.God Bless You, and many happy days. Sincerely, Olga!
